
To reverently prepare our Lord's Table for worship.

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What We Do

The Altar Guild prepares the altar for all Trinity Church liturgies.

Time Commitment

Volunteers are members of a regularly rotating group responsible for the complete set up and take down of the Altar for each assigned service.  and maintains the vessels and special linens used in our celebrations. Typically, each service requires 30 minutes for set up, 20 minutes for take-down, and sufficient time to clean, prepare, and return used linens.

Number and Frequency of Service Opportunities

The number of teams determines how many weeks during the year each team will serve. The current teams usually are responsible for approximately eight to ten weeks each year, for two weeks at a time.  We typically staff two people per service, except for special occasions (Easter, Christmas, etc.) and periodic vessel cleanings. “Many hands make light work.”  John HeywoodEach team distributes responsibility for the assigned services according to several factors, including which Sunday worship service members attend and availability of members (out of town, sickness, etc.).  Team members make arrangements with their Team Captain for substitutes. Schedules are created and distributed at the start of the church year. The current month’s schedule is listed in the monthly Genesis newsletter, and on the Trinity website.

Approximate number of Members Needed

New members are always welcomed. Teams typically consist of four to five members each.